School of Information Sciences

Beta Phi Mu (BPM)

The Pi Chapter of Beta Phi Mu was founded at the University of Pittsburgh in 1967.  Pi Chapter welcomes new initiates and elects new Chapter officers at an annual fall meeting.  Each year Pi Chapter also makes available its Award for Scholarly Achievement to graduate students in the School of Information Sciences.  Current Pi Chapter officers are:

Dr. Ellen Detlefsen, Chapter Advisor
Jessica Danielle Smith, President
Kathy Maron-Wood, Vice President
Amanda Folk, Past President
Dr. Barbara Zaborowski, Treasurer

The article “It’s an Honor: Fifty Years of Beta Phi Mu,” by Ron Chepesiuk, published in the December 1999 issue of American Libraries, offers a brief history of the national organization.  For further information about Beta Phi Mu:

For further information about Pi Chapter: [email protected]

Annual Meeting

Each year the Pi Chapter holds an annual meeting. It is at the annual meeting that new members are inducted, officers are elected, and members get a chance to get together and socialize. All current members of Pi Chapter get an invitation to the annual meeting. If you are a member of Pi Chapter and have not received an invitation, please contact the Treasurer to ensure that your membership information and address are current.

Member Update

The annual dues for Pi Chapter are $10.00.

Please mail your Pi Chapter dues by December 31st. Remember that you will be removed from the active member list if you have not paid annual dues for two consecutive years.

To pay your dues online using PayPal go to the following webpage:   

To pay your dues using a check, please print out this form and mail with your check made payable to Beta Phi Mu Pi Chapter. Checks should be mailed to: Barbara Zaborowski, 1131 Menoher Blvd, Johnstown, PA 15905.

You can update your information online at any time by accessing the following website:

Scholarship Award for SIS Graduate Students

The link to apply for this online scholarship will be made available towards the end of the Spring 2015 semester.

The BPM-Pi scholarship is awarded for up to three (3) graduate students currently enrolled in the School of Information Sciences. This award recognizes a student in the Library and Information Science (MLIS), Information Science (MSIS) or Telecommunications (MST) program track whose achievement in their selected field of study is judged outstanding by the BPM-Pi Chapter officers and/or faculty recommendation.


  1. Applicant must be admitted to a graduate program through the University of Pittsburgh iSchool in Library and Information Science (MLIS), Information Science (MSIS) or Telecommunications (MST); and have completed at least 18 credits by the time the scholarship is awarded at the end of the spring semester.
  2. Minimum Quality-Point Average (QPA) of 3.5 as evidenced by submission of an unofficial transcript.
  3. 1-2 samples of scholarly work completed as part of designated coursework. Applicants are judged upon several factors but the scholarly work piece is of prime importance.
  4. Current Resume or Vita.

Amount Awarded:

Number of Awards:
Up to three - one per program

Total Amount Awarded:
Up to $1,500


Note: Scholarships are awarded contingent upon academic progress & at the discretion of Beta Phi Mu.

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